The following links are to articles, web pages, notes and emails I have written, and am writing. Some are on psychology, psychodrama, psychotherapy or art, others about the Internet, but together they are about the psyche online – the “psyber” world. Some items are mere fragments, and some are the product of the hardest writing work I have ever done. The items go back to the early 1990’s and I’m adding items in 2022 (and have more planned!) Feedback appreciated by email. Walter Logeman
Sections on this page:
- Psychotherapy Online
- Psybernet Project
- Psychodrama, the Psyche and Couple Therapy
- Cyberspace
- Psyberspace
Psychotherapy Online
Intimacy and Online Psychotherapy
Therapeutic intimacy differs markedly from the experiences of intimacy in ordinary life, it is proscribed, contained and for a specific purpose. In a sense it is artificial yet genuine for all that. Can therapeutic intimacy happen in cyberspace?
Psychotherapy – Working Online – an Index Page Links to a lot of short items about psychotherapy online on my Psybernet website.
Psybernet Project
Psybernet, Psychology and Tele-computing An essay I wrote in January 1994.
Experience of Psybernet My involvement with Psybernet. 31 March, 1995. I have left this as I wrote it in 1995.
About my Psyberspace blog This blog, current.
Psychodrama, the Psyche & Couple Therapy
The Value of Sociodrama in Psychodramatic Couple Therapy Training. Published in the AANZPA Journal 2021.
This article focuses on the value of sociodrama in the training of psychodramatic couple therapists. The author describes the way in which a sociodramatic approach is employed to bring to life a ‘sociodramatic couple’, who later become the focus of training sessions in which the trainer and trainees explore the effectiveness of various interventions in couple therapy practice. Drawing on the illustrative material, the author reflects on the value of sociodrama in the development of the trainees, at both conscious and unconscious levels, and raises the possibility of applying a sociodramatic approach to training in related fields, such as individual therapy, family therapy and organisational development.
Encounter The Heart of Psychodramatic Couple Therapy Published in the AANZPA Journal 2019
This article is concerned with the application of psychodrama principles and practices to couple therapy. In particular, it explores Moreno’s philosophy of encounter, that meeting of two, ‘face to face and eye to eye’, which lies at the heart of psychodramatic couple therapy. Drawing on illustrative material, the author shows the way in which the psychodrama structure of warm up, action and sharing apply in a couple therapy session, with the encounter presenting as the action phase. He also describes the psychodramatic techniques of doubling, mirroring and role reversal as they are used to facilitate the encounter
Doubling, Spontaneity Creativity and Encounter An article I wrote as part of the warm up to a workshop at the 2014 Psychodrama conference In Melbourne. Significantly updated Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Moreno’s Scientific Methodology. (pdf) A monograph exploring the place of science in Moreno’s work and the place of his work in science. In draft form and the basis for a shorter article published in 2015:
Moreno’s Scientific Methodology: By, of and for the People Published in the AANZPA Journal 2015. This paper is an exposition of the scientific methodology developed by Jacob Levy Moreno. It is based on an extensive reading of his writing and the discovery that the heart of his philosophy includes a research paradigm that incorporates human spontaneity and unpredictability. Six principles have been identified and formed into a working description so that research may be by the people, of the people, and for the people. The paper invites a greater consciousness of this research methodology. The author hopes that practitioners of psychodramatic methods will be encouraged to apply it in their work.
The Imago Affair Jacob Moreno’s Interpersonal Therapy and Harville Hendrix’s Relationship Therapy Word
The Imago Affair Jacob Moreno’s Interpersonal Therapy and Harville Hendrix’s Relationship Therapy pdf
2009 Published in the 2009 ANZPA Psychodrama Journal.
Engaging the Muse, Reflections on Art and Creativity (pdf) 2008 Written for the ANZPA Psychodrama Journal after my year of doing a Thousand Sketches
Psychotherapy and Scientific Method pdf file. A paper about sociometry and musings about the future of knowing. Presentation at the NZAP conference, Queenstown, New Zealand, April 2005
Exploring the Self in C.G. Jung’s Aion A review by Walter Logeman that is published in The Round Table Review, May/June 1996
Specific Dream, Generic Insight Dr. J. L. Moreno
The Group and Its Protagonist The Relationship Between the Individual and the Group. A paper presented as partial fulfilment of the Board of Examiners of the Australian and New Zealand Psychodrama Association Incorporated requirement for certification as a Psychodramatist. March 1998.
Autonomous Psyche or Soul I am collecting snippets here on the autonomous nature of the psyche or soul.
Book Review- ANZPA Journal 2010 Group Supervision: A Guide to Creative Practice (2nd Edition) By Brigid Proctor
The Political Economy of Free Software Brief notes – began as a post to BS, May 2002
Cyberspace Marshall McLuhan Facilitating and Participating in Online Groups Form and Process in Online Psychological Groups Psyberspace
Addiction A few notes on Addiction to the Internet.
Psyberspace: Psychology + Cyberspace
Archetypes of Cyberspace — an Essay
The Internet changes everything. Walter Logeman in this essay proposes ‘everything’ includes the psyche. The essay begins with an orientation to cyberspace. One novel idea follows another, the first is that cyberspace precedes the Internet. The essay uses the imaginal approach C.G. Jung and archetypal psychology. The recognition of archetypal structures of the psyche have a direct influence on clinical psychotherapy.
Cyberspace is in the position the wilds of nature were once in, it took poets, pioneers, visionaries and activists enable us all to see that untouched nature had value.
Stuff that needs editing. Psyberspace is the title of a book I plan to write. It will take a while, its a big project. I am currently editing everything I have on this subject but am leaving this file here for the sake of posterity! Though it incorporated material written years before this is a relatively complete early draft.
Sex and the Internet. Notes for the Opening Windows Conference Christchurch October 1999
DreamEvent Dead link. Internet Archive link
Created 1995, moved around a bit.
Imported into this Psyberspace blog as a page: Saturday, 31 January, 2009
Updated: Friday, 8 November, 2013
Updated, Sunday, 05 June 2022
and moved to